File and Directory Identifiers



Returns information about nicknames listed in the address book.


Properties: nick, info, email, website, picture, noteN


Allowed formats: $abook(nick) $abook(N) $abook(nick,N) where nick can also be a wildcard.



Returns the filename for the Nth loaded alias file. If you specify a filename, it returns $null if the file is not loaded.


$alias(0)        return the number of alias files loaded

$alias(2)        returns the filename of the 2nd loaded alias file

$alias(moo.txt)        returns $null if the file is not loaded, or moo.txt if it is.



Returns the CRC checksum of the specified item, where N = 0 for plain text, 1 for &binvar, 2 for filename (default).


Note: $crc64() can also be used to return the 64bit checksum.



Returns information about the specified hard disk, where N = 0 for total available drives, and N > 0 to access each drive.


Properties: type, free, label, size, unc, path


$disk(c:)  returns $true if drive c: exists, otherwise $false


The unc property returns the path for a network drive.



Returns $true if a file or dir exists and $false if it does not.


$exists(mirc.exe)  returns $true or $false.



Returns information about the specified file.


Properties: size, ctime, mtime, atime, shortfn, longfn, attr, sig, version, path, name, ext


$file(mirc.exe).size          returns the file size

$file(mirc.exe).ctime          returns creation time

$file(mirc.exe).mtime          returns last modification time

$file(mirc.exe).atime          returns last access time



Returns the number of lines that were filtered when using the /filter command.


$finddir(dir,wildcard,N,depth,@window | command)

Searches the specified directory and its subdirectories for the Nth directory name matching the wildcard specification and returns the full path and directory if it is found.


Properties: shortfn


$finddir($mircdir,logs*,1)  returns the first directory name beginning with "mirc"


If you specify a custom @window (with a listbox) instead of the N parameter, mIRC will fill the custom @window listbox with the results.


If you specify a command, the command is performed on every directory that is found. You can use $1- to refer to the directory name, eg. //echo 1 $finddir($mircdir,*.*,0,echo $1-)


If you use /halt in the command/alias, this halts the search.


If you specify a depth, mIRC will only search N directories deep for matching filenames.


The $finddirn identifier returns the Nth position of directory that was found.


Note: Both the depth and @window/command parameters are optional.


$findfile(dir,wildcard,N,depth,@window | command)

Searches the specified directory and its subdirectories for the Nth filename matching the wildcard file specification and returns the full path and filename if it is found.


Properties: shortfn


$findfile($mircdir,*.exe,1)  returns the first .exe file it finds


If you specify a custom @window name (with a listbox), the custom @window listbox will be filled with the results.


If you specify a command, it will be performed on every filename that is found. You can use $1- to refer to the filename, eg. //echo 1 $findfile($mircdir,*.*,0,echo $1-)


If you use /halt in the command/alias, this halts the search.


If you specify a depth, mIRC will only search N directories deep for matching filenames.


You can specify multiple wildcards by separating them with semi-colons, eg. *.exe;*.txt;*.hlp.


The $findfilen identifier returns the Nth position of file that was found.


Note: Both the depth and @window/command parameters are optional.



Returns the DCC Get directory specified in the DCC Options dialog.



Returns the DCC Get directory for the specified filename. You can also specify a file type such as *.txt.



Returns the name/Nth position of the specified topic/item in an ini/text file.


$ini(mirc.ini,0)  returns total number of topics in mirc.ini

$ini(mirc.ini,1)  returns name of 1st topic in mirc.ini

$ini(mirc.ini,help) returns Nth position of topic help if it exists, or returns 0 if it does not exist


The item/N parameter is optional. If you specify N = 0, it returns the total number of topics/items.


Note: The behaviour of this identifier varies across versions, where either 0 or $null may be returned for a non-existent item.



Returns $true if the specified directory exists, otherwise $false.



Returns $true if the specified file exists, otherwise $false.



Returns the total number of lines in the specified text file.



Returns the Logs directory as specified in the Logging section of the Options dialog.



Returns long version of a short filename.



Returns the Midi directory specified in the Sound Requests section of the Options dialog.



Returns the directory where mIRC stores its settings, such as mirc.ini, and other files and folders.



Returns the full path and filename of the mIRC executable file.



Returns the name of the main .ini file, usually mirc.ini.



Returns the filename format that the logging feature uses. Appends date to filename if you have the dated logfiles option turned on in the logging dialog.


You can also use $mknickfn(nickname) to fix a nickname for use as a filename, and $mkfn(filename) to fix a filename, both of which may replace/remove invalid characters.



Displays the multiple select file dialog and returns N, the number of selected files. $msfile(N) returns each file. If too many files are selected, $msfile() returns -1. Title and oktext are optional. See $sfstate for cancel/error handling.



Returns the path in filename without the actual filename.



Returns filename without a path, if it has one.


$read(filename, [ntswrp], [matchtext], [N])

Returns a single line of text from a file.


This identifier works in conjunction with the /write command.


//echo $read(funny.txt)


Reads a random line from the file funny.txt.


//echo $read(funny.txt, 24)


Reads line 24 from the file funny.txt.


//kick # $1 $read(kicks.txt)


Reads a random kick line from kicks.txt and uses it in the kick command.


//echo $read(info.txt, s, mirc)


Scans the file info.txt for a line beginning with the word mirc and returns the text following the match value.


//echo $read(help.txt, w,  *help*)


Scans the file help.txt for a line matching the wildcard text *help*. The r switch implies a regex match.


If you specify the s, w, or r switches, you can also specify the N value to specify the line you wish to start searching from in the file, eg.:


//echo $read(versions.txt, w, *mirc*, 100)


If the n switch is specified then the line read in will not be evaluated and will be treated as plain text.


If the p switch is specified, command | separators are treated as such instead of as plain text.


If the first line in the file is a number, it must represent the total number of lines in the file. If you specify N = 0, mIRC returns the value of the first line if it is a number.


If the t switch is specified then mIRC will treat the first line in the file as plain text, even if it is a number.



Returns the line number that was matched in a previous call to $read(). If no match was found, $readn is set to zero.


$readini(filename, [np], section, item)

Returns a single line of text from an ini file


This identifier works in conjunction with the /writeini command.


//echo $readini(mirc.ini, mIRC, nick)


Reads your nickname from the mirc.ini file.


If the n switch is specified then the line read in will not be evaluated and will be treated as plain text.


If the p switch is specified, command | separators are treated as such instead of as plain text.



Returns $true/$false if paths refer to the same file/dir. It resolves relative paths and converts long/short filenames.



Displays the select folder dialog and returns the selected folder. Title is optional. See $sfstate for cancel/error handling.



Displays the select file dialog and returns the selected filename. Title and oktext are optional. The dir can include a wildcard as a file mask.  See $sfstate for cancel/error handling.



Returns cancel if a user cancels the dialog or error if there is an error.



Returns short version of a long filename.



Returns system folders for the current user where item can be profile, desktop, documents, downloads, music, pictures, and videos.




Returns a unique temporary file/folder name located in the mIRC folder, using the same method that mIRC uses internally. To use a different folder, specify its path as a parameter.



Enables creation and extraction of zip files.


Properties: size, crc, mtime, cm, em, idx


Supports the following switches: c = create, e = extract, t = test, l = list, p = password, o = overwrite existing file/dir.


The N parameter is used with the list option, where 0 = return number of items, otherwise return Nth item, with properties: size.


If password is specified when creating a zip, encrypts the zip file using AES.