

The /toolbar command can be used to modify the mIRC toolbar. The command format is:


/toolbar -aidmsxkNnNzNebwhyNurctplorf[sld] [N] <name/N> <tooltip> <picfile|@> [x y w h] [/alias] [popfile|@]


Switches and Parameters


-a = add button

-i = insert button at position [N]

-d = delete button at position [N] or <name>

-m = move button <name/N> to position [N]


-s = separator

-x = wide button


-kN = use when adding button to make it a check button

        check/uncheck with N = 1 or N = 0


-nN = icon index in picfile

-zN = icon size, 1 = small, 2 = large, 3 = actual


-eb = enable/disable button [N] or <name>

-wh = show/hide button [N] or <name>


-yN = set transparency (0 to 255) for button [N] or <name>


-u = update display immediately

-r = reset buttons

-c = clear all buttons


-f[sld] = load/save/delete settings in toolbar.ini file

           toolbar.ini is automatically loaded on startup


-v = enable loading of PNG file that uses alpha channel transparency


To update properties for an existing button:


-t = tooltip

-p = picfile

-l = alias

-o = popup


name = unique name assigned to button/separator, it cannot be a number.


tooltip = text displayed when the mouse hovers over button.


picfile|@ = picture filename or picture @window, min 16x16, max 256x256 pixels.


x y w h = position in bitmap and size of bitmap to use (not for use with icons).


/alias = command performed when button pressed, where $!1 = button name.


popupfile|@ = popup filename or @menu name.


The tooltip, picfile, alias and popup can be enclosed in quotes if necessary. To clear an item, can use "" empty quotes.


Note: Modifying some of the default mIRC buttons, such as Connect, Notify, etc. may not always work since they are managed by mIRC. They can however be deleted.




/toolbar -a Cow "Moo moo!" cow.bmp "/echo I am cow, hear my moo" @cow


The above command creates a button called "Cow" with the tooltip "Moo moo!" using the button picture cow.bmp. If the button is clicked, it will run the command "/echo I am cow, hear my moo", and if right-clicked, it will popup the menu @cow.


/toolbar -m 1 Cow


The above command will move the button named "Cow" to position 1 in the toolbar.


/toolbar -p Cow goat.bmp


The above command will change the picture on the button named "Cow" to "goat.bmp"


/toolbar -is 2 cowsep


The above command will insert a separator named "cowsep" (every button and separator you add to the toolbar must have a name) at position 2.





Returns properties for a toolbar button. If N = 0, returns number of buttons.


Properties: name,type,tip,alias,popup,width,height,wide,enabled,visible,checked,alpha