Voice Commands
If you have Speech Recognition software installed, mIRC can be made to listen to voice commands through scripting.
/vcmd -lc <on | off | sleep>
This turns voice command listening on or off, or you can temporarily turn off listening by specifying sleep.
The -c switch clears the commands list.
The -l switch lists the commands in your commands list.
Note: Your SR software may have very large speech files or dictionaries which could make it slow to load/unload and/or process your speech.
/vcadd <command1,command2,...>
This adds voice commands to the commands list.
Commands should consist of at least two words and should be sufficiently distinct from other commands to make it easier for your SR software to match the words you speak to commands in your commands list.
Note: Adding or removing commands can be done on the fly, however if your SR software is slow at updating the commands list, it could cause short pauses in mIRC.
/vcrem <command1,command2,...>
This removes commands from the commands list.
Returns the version of your installed SR software, or $null if not installed.
Returns 0 if not available, 1 if currently off, 2 if ignoring commands, 3 if listening for a command.
Returns the Nth item in your commands list.
The on VCMD event
If the SR software matches a word you have spoken to a word in your commands list, it triggers the on VCMD event:
on 1:VCMD:<matchtext>:<*/#/?/@>:/echo 3 Recognized: $1-
Example Script
alias vctest {
if ($vcmdver == $null) halt
vcmd -c on
vcadd connect Dalnet, connect Efnet, connect Undernet, connect IRCnet
vcadd Part Channel, Disconnect, List Commands, Moo Cow
on 1:vcmd:connect*:*:server $2
on 1:vcmd:part channel:*:if ($active ischan) part $active
on 1:vcmd:disconnect:*:quit
on 1:vcmd:list commands:*:vcmd -l
on 1:vcmd:moo cow:*:splay moo.wav
on 1:vcmd:*:*:echo You said: $1-